Seu Jorge and the black narrative

Seu Jorge is one of my favorite Brazilian Artists for the reason that he makes very considered decisions in his choice of covers. Despite being a great original music composer, the choice of his covers creates a narrative of oppression, Brazilian history and black culture. 

In this appearance at a Portuguese radio station, he sings, Leçi Brandão's "Zé do Caroço", a song about a retired police officer who attaches a loudspeaker to his Rio favela home in order to relay alerts, news, and announcements to the favela's inhabitants. The song alludes to the people's mixed reactions of Zé. Some despise the noise for interrupting their television novelas while others wish they had someone like Zé in their neighborhood. 

The second song is from Brazilian 90s rap group, Racionais MC's. "Nego Drama" is a song that narrates the history, injustices and perception of black people in Brazil. Seu Jorge transforms the clunky flow of Brazilian rap and turns it into a poetic recitation, a flow much more flattering for the Brazilian-Portuguese language. 

The transition of the first song to the second is seamless as the chords do not change. The themes from the first song carry over beautifully into the next. I don't know what else to say, I just really love this video. 

One person in the comments section said, "Marry someone who looks at you the same way red-shirt guy looks at Seu Jorge."